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Full control 
Clear conscience

Sustainable management of your ICT equipment | Secure Erasure | Sales & Reuse

  • Meet your documentation requirements

  • Circular handling of ICT equipment


  • Certified erasure tools

  • Secure logistics and handling

  • Unit-level tracking and reporting


  • Detailed environmental reporting

  • Priority reuse

  • Efficient recycling


  • Market-leading sales team

  • Global network

  • Maximum residual values

Not sure how to handle your company's used IT equipment?
Challenges we regularly hear from our customers:

We want to be safe and transparent in our waste reporting

We need secure erasure of IT equipment abroad

We have used IT equipment that is accumulating

We want to realize the remaining value from used IT equipment

We want secure erasure performed in Norway

We want our used IT equipment to be reused


We believe you deserve a recycling solution you can be proud of!

Why have d|rig as an environmental partner?

We understand your problems because we can answer your questions and solve your challenges when it comes to handling used IT equipment.

What are the requirements? What is financially wise? What is sustainable?

You can trust that d|rig is a reliable environmental partner because we are passionate about circular models, maximum reuse, and smart financial decisions that push the business community in a green direction. We document this with reports every quarter.


How does d|rig solve your challenges?

To save the environment, we believe that the best thing we can do is focus on reuse. The part of the equipment that is not suitable for reuse goes to material recycling.

By becoming a customer with us and letting us ensure the reuse of your ICT equipment, you will get an optimal solution, which is financially favorable, secure, and takes care of the environment.

Accountability is important to us in d|rig. Therefore, we only sell our products to serious and prequalified international partners to ensure that the equipment will be reused even after the next life cycle.

We always put our customers' safety first. This means that the customer's equipment is transported by safe transport and is deleted for all information before it leaves our warehouse.

As a customer, you will receive a detailed report at the unit level with an overview of, among other things, what you have sent to us, what we have resold and what has been recycled. Our customers also receive a detailed environmental report, suitable for both internal and external marketing.

Control, security and good conscience in 3 steps


1. Contact us


2. Agree on logistics and cycles

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3. Settlement & Reports

We look at what you need and what the agreement should contain.

We clarify the amount of equipment, how often you need collection, safety routines, and internal replacement cycles.

You will receive an environmental and treatment report on all submitted units, and an invoice basis for products that can be reused and resold.

Kontroll, sikkerhet og god samvittighe på 1-2-3

Our promises to you



Safe transport

Secure erasure

Remote deletion

Security report

Realize the residual value of IT equipment

Preparation and rollout

Purchase for resale


Easy administration

Priority reuse



Order pickup

Fill cabinets

Send to d|rig

Receive report and invoice basis


«We are committed to safe handling of our equipment and ensuring that the environment is taken care of in the best possible way. Here d|rig does a professional job for us." Country IT Manager Norway, International Consulting Firm

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What is included in a standard agreement? 

  • Pickup of disposed equipment

  • Registration of received devices

  • Secure erasure
  • Grading of equipment

  • Preparation

  • Resale and recycling

  • Financial gain from resold units

  • Safety and environmental report

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